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2021 Grand Design Solitude 390RK Fifth Wheel
2021 Grand Design Solitude 390RK for sale contact me for more pictures and any questions Extended Warranty is good until April 2027 3 AC's with heat pump 12 gal water heater 50 amp service with surge protector 4 season dual sink vanity full residential refrigerator with ice maker exterior sliding storage tray 6 point self leveling power inverter king size bed two TV's backup camera prep. fire place skirting kit Anderson rail mount hitch Champion 4000 watt generator with remote start
Located in Waterford City, ND, 58854
For more information, please call 833-265-6113 and mention ID 68101214
*While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with Dealer.